We are Buzca Engineering Solutions

More than 50 Years Providing Comprehensive Solutions

About Us

Since 1969 Making History: What began operating as an industrial diving services company and attention to underwater emergencies, today evolved into a comprehensive solution for specialized marine, underwater, environmental and oceanographic engineering services. , thanks to the experience acquired, investments in infrastructure and integration of qualified human talent.

Let us verify that at Buzca S.A. We offer engineering services with high standards of quality, safety and efficiency, from Cartagena de Indias – Colombia to Latin America.

Integral Solutions

BUZCA S.A. It is the strategic ally of its clients, materializing their ideas, working closely, promoting business and professional development, based on experience, knowledge, innovation and value generation. Backed by business ethics, transparency, social responsibility and environmental sustainability.


BUZCA S.A. Para el año 2025, implementará soluciones tecnológicas y organizacionales, para optimizar y perfeccionar sus estándares. Consolidará su área comercial, transformando la idea de negocios en desarrollo de servicios sostenibles que generen propuestas de valor.

Buzca S.A

Our Principles

Los principios de BUZCA S.A son el pilar para la construcción de las normas internas y disposiciones básicas sobre la forma en que cada uno de sus integrantes, independientemente del área de responsabilidad, nivel jerárquico debe orientar sus actuaciones, de tal manera que contribuyan con el crecimiento y desarrollo de las demás personas, de la Organización y del entorno.

Safety and health at work: We promote a high sense of self-care awareness and healthy environments for our workers and other interested parties.

Professionalism: We guarantee full compliance with the expectations of our clients and other interested parties in an efficient, efficient and effective manner.

Respect and tolerance: We seek to maintain a harmonious organizational climate by strengthening teamwork and promoting collective well-being.

Commitment: We encourage the efficient use of the resources necessary to carry out our activities and obtain results with positive impact.

Honesty and transparency: We instill in the work team to base their decisions and actions on objective criteria that contribute to the growth of the trust of our Company and its good name.
