Comprehensive Management Policy

BUZCA S.A., is a company in the construction sector that offers engineering solutions, tailored to the needs of its clients in different specialties such as design, engineering, procurement, construction, management and maintenance, for the development of civil, mechanical and electrical in exploration, production and transportation activities in underwater pipelines, marine and underwater structures, continental works (Onshore) and marine platforms (Offshore).

In compliance with this policy, BUZCA S.A. undertakes to:

  • Ensure the quality of its services and comply with client, legal and regulatory requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes.
  • Continuously improve the comprehensive management system, by carrying out periodic reviews and evaluations.
  • Prevent injuries and illnesses, implementing the necessary controls to keep the risks associated with the activities carried out insured.
  • Protect the environment and prevent pollution, through the identification, evaluation and management of the environmental effects generated in the course of the operation. These impacts such as the irrational use of natural resources, the contamination of soil, air and water and the generation of waste.
  • Maintain safe work environments free of illicit activities, in addition to internally promoting an open rejection of any criminal activity or conduct that involves relationships such as alcohol and drug trafficking, addictions, money laundering or terrorist financing (LA /FT), corruption and bribery (CoSo) and smuggling in all its manifestations.
  • The implementation of good social responsibility practices that allow you to maintain mutually beneficial relationships with interest groups.